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Special Edition of Paintings

These paintings depicts rescued "Animal Masters", in a partnership with the "Vale da Rainha" Sanctuary (located in Minas Gerais, Brazil), in order to help to raise funds so that they can continue this wonderful mission, as well to raise awarenessso that our daily actions and elections can help all living beings to be free from suffering.

I invite you to follow the Instagram page of the Sanctuary, full of inspiring stories of struggle for dignity and respect for each Animal Master lives. I am very happy for this new collaboration. Learn more about the Sanctuary and support their mission of awareness, dedication and unconditional love here.


Edição Especial / Special Edition

Pintura original em tela/ Original Painting on canvas, 70x50 cm, 2021

Uma pintura muito especial para mim, retratando o "Mestre Inacinho", um jovem boi resgatado há sete anos pelo Santuário Vale da Rainha e que faleceu recentemente. Saiba mais sobre sua mensagem e história por trás desta pintura, clicando no botão. Pintura atualmente disponível para compra. 30% do valor de venda será doado para contribuir com a missão de resgate, concientização e amor do Santuario Vale da Rainha.

A very special painting for me, depicting "Mestre Inacinho", a young ox rescued seven years ago by the Vale da Rainha Sanctuary and that passed away recently. Learn more about his message and history behind this painting, by clicking the button. Painting currently available for purchase. 30% of the sale price will be donated to contribute to the rescue, awareness and love mission of Santuario Vale da Rainha.



"Mestre Inacinho" / "Master Inacinho"

Edição Especial / Special Edition

Pintura original em papel /Original Painting on paper, 30x42 cm, 2021

Pintura original em papel retratando o "Mestre Inacinho", um jovem boi resgatado há sete anos pelo Santuário Vale da Rainha e que faleceu recentemente. Saiba mais sobre os detalhes e história por trás desta pintura, clicando no botão. Pintura atualmente disponível para compra. 30% do valor de venda será doado para contribuir com a missão de resgate, concientização e amor do Santuario Vale da Rainha.

Original painting on paper depicting "Master Inacinho", a young ox rescued seven years ago by the Vale da Rainha Sanctuary and that passed away recently. Learn more about his message and details behind this painting, by clicking the button. Painting currently available for purchase. 30% of the sale price will be donated to contribute to the rescue, awareness and love mission of Santuario Vale da Rainha.

Mestre Inacinho-CarolinaBertsch-A3-papel
WhatsApp Image 2021-10-15 at 10.55.56 AM.jpeg

“बेगुनाही”  ("INOCÊNCIA"/ "INNOCENCE")

Pintura Original Autoral. 

Técnica mista (acrílicos e óleos profissionais) sobre tela

Tamanho: 50x40 cm

Ano: 2021

Esta pintura representa dois Mestres Animais bebezinhos - a Mestra Gaia (em baixo) e o Mestre Tupâ (acima), ambos resgatados  e cuidados pelo Santuario Vale da Rainha 💜, vitimas da terrível realidade por tras da industria dos laticínios e carne. 

Nesta imagem quis trazer esse templo imaterial da inocência e pureza das crianças como o mais precioso que existe-sejam da espécie que sejam-, e a importância de proteger essa condição nelas e em nós mesmos. Eles estão rodeados pelas chamadas “flores dos templos” o frangipani (do gênero Plumeria), comumente usadas nos templos na India e na Ásia toda para adornar e embelezar as deidades 🌸.

This painting depicts two baby Animal Masters - Master Gaia (below) and Master Tupâ (above), both rescued and cared for by the Sanctuary Vale da Rainha, victims of the terrible reality behind the dairy and meat industry.

In this image I wanted to bring this immaterial temple of children's innocence and purity as the most precious thing that exists-whatever they are-, and the importance of protecting this condition in them and in ourselves. They are surrounded by the so-called “temple flowers” the frangipani (of the genus Plumeria), commonly used in temples in India and throughout Asia to adorn and beautify deities 🌸.


Professional Oil Painting on canvas, 50 x 40 cm / SOLD


Some meetings are predestined to happen. We believe we have control, but it is the Universe that ends up directing us to the beings and situations from which we will receive the learning we need in this life. ✨

This painting is different from what I have been painting until now, and therefore very special. It is my representation of the embrace full of tenderness and love of the guardian Patricia Varela Favano with "Mestre Gaia".
“Mestre Gaia" (as she was called when she arrived at the sanctuary) is one of the many victims of the abuse and cruelty of the meat and milk industry, which, thanks to the magical and invisible threads of the Universe, was rescued by the team of The Vale da Rainha Sanctuary , in a deplorable physical state of health this year. When I saw this photo, that corresponds to Mestre Gaia's first days at the sanctuary, my immediate impression was the encounter of two beings of light being reborn in love, in a hug of healing and mutual surrender in the womb of this mystery that we call "Cosmos" or "Infinite".

Dedicated to “Mestre Gaia” 💜


Professional Oil Painting on canvas, 90 x 60 cm. SOLD

The Vision_Cbertsch_2021.jpg

The date 1202/2021 is celebrated the Lunar New Year 2021 (or Chinese New Year), and this year is the year of the Metal Ox. Oxen, including buffalos, are animals symbolically associated with solidity, resistance, a big sense of work and reconstruction. His virtues include kindness, patience, equanimity, courage, resilience, and inner and physical strength.

This painting symbolizes my personal vision of this new cycle for 2021 linked to the 5 elements of nature:

- The buffalo (which is actually a female buffalo) – strong and with her golden metal horns, represent the Earth element. Being a female, it also brings the feminine element Yin of Mother Earth.

- The owls, symbols of clarity and knowledge, represent the Air element;

- Succulent plants represent the healing energy and the Water element;

- The golden half circle above that illuminates them all, represents the Fire element; and finally,

- the fifth element, Ether- the energy that unites the other 4 elements- is symbolized in the brightness of the third eye of the Buffalo.

Buffaloes have been associated with the enlightened nature of the Buddha for millennia, and here I represent her illuminating this new year with all her qualities and virtues.

Another very special aspect of this painting is that this buffalo is real and is called "Master Buffalo Ayahuasca" - she was rescued from the cruel milk industry. She currently lives in the Vale da Rainha Sanctuary, where she express her Buddha nature of kindness to all.

Dedicated to "Mestra Ayahuasca". Painting SOLD.

 35% of the sale value of this painting was donated to the Sanctuary to support this mission of unconditional love.

Happy Lunar Year 2021!

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